Important Notice: iBiology Courses platform is shutting down on May 1, 2025 and transitioning to Canvas LMS. Learn more about the shutdown.
Demo Course
Course graphic for DEMO_SP
Sign Up Sign In
To enroll in this class, you first need to sign up to iBiology Courses as a student (or sign in if you're already a student).

Course Overview

This course gives you a quick introduction to the iBiology Courses platform. We'll brief you on how to take a course, use the navigation and interact in the forum.

Course Details

Enrollment Starts Enrollment is open
Course Starts Anytime, self-paced
Estimated Effort 1 hour total
Certificate Yes
Badge Yes
Sign Up Sign In
To enroll in this class, you first need to sign up to iBiology Courses as a student (or sign in if you're already a student).