Important Notice: iBiology Courses platform is shutting down on May 1, 2025 and transitioning to Canvas LMS. Learn more about the shutdown.

iBiology Courses FAQ

I had an account on the old, now retired V1 iBiology Courses site. Do I need to create a new account on this new V2 site?

Yes. Your account information and previous course work have not be transferred between the old V1 site and the current (V2) site. You can use the same username if it is still available on this site, otherwise please pick a new username.

Where can I find iBiology Courses' main public site and content?

iBiology Courses and iBiology are part of the Science Communication Lab. For free science films and media, please visit the Science Communication Lab. For iBiology lectures and seminars, please visit ibiology.org.

What's the SCL newsletter?

The SCL newsletter comes from our umbrella organization, the Science Communication Lab, as iBiology Courses and iBiology are part of the Science Communication Lab. We send one newsletter about all of our efforts from our network of sites. Thus, if you wish to receive updates about new courses and content from iBiology Courses, please sign up for the SCL newsletter! Please note, emails will come from the Science Communication Lab. Please whitelist the domains scicommlab.org and ibiology.org to prevent our emails from going to spam. Transactional emails that are critical to the operation of iBiology Courses are sent from ibiology.org.