iBiology Courses Shutdown Notice

Science Communication Labs is shutting down the iBiology Courses platform on May 1, 2025.
For more information on the shutdown, please email courses@ibiology.org

We have made the hard decision to move ALL of our courses from our internally hosted course platform to the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). We are doing this to ensure long-term public access to the courses once the NIH grant that funds this project ends this summer. We are grateful for the opportunity to create an e-Learning site that has served the scientific community for a decade. We are proud of the impact we have had on science education and the careers of thousands of scientists around the world.

Download Certificates and Badges

If you are an existing student and have earned one or more certificates or badges in the past, please take a moment to download any certificates or badges you have earned on the platform. After May 1, 2025, the platform will be shut down, and the download links will no longer work.

To download your certificates and badges, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the iBiology Courses platform.
  2. Click on "My Dashboard".
  3. Click on the "Download" button next to each certificate or badge you want to download.

Important Dates

The following is a list of important dates:

Shutdown Step Date
Site Shutdown Date (Site is no longer available) May 1, 2025

Archived Course Content

All courses will be made available on a new Canvas-based platform. There will be no access to any data from the “old” iBiology Courses platform. Links to the courses on Canvas will be live on May 1st and accessible from our main website https://sciencecommunicationlab.org/. The “old” links from iBiology Courses website will also forward to the new courses on Canvas. On May 1, the following links will provide access to the new course pages (before May 1 they link to the current iBiology Courses pages).

Course Code Course URL
Build Your Research Community https://courses.ibiology.org/catalog/BYRC/SP/
Share Your Research: https://courses.ibiology.org/catalog/SYR/SP/
The Strategic Postdoc https://courses.ibiology.org/catalog/TSP/SP/
Career Planning for Early Career Scientists https://courses.ibiology.org/catalog/CPECS/SP/
Business Concepts for Life Scientists https://courses.ibiology.org/catalog/BCLS/SP/
Let’s Experiment https://courses.ibiology.org/catalog/LE/SP/
Planning Your Scientific Journey https://courses.ibiology.org/catalog/PYSJ/SP/
Strategies for Effective Public Engagement https://courses.ibiology.org/catalog/SEPE/SP/
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at courses@iBiology.org.