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Image of Anatol Kreitzer

Speaker Bio: Anatol Kreitzer, Ph.D.

Senior Investigator (Gladstone) and Associate Professor of Physiology and Neurology (UCSF)

Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease / University of California, San Francisco

Anatol Kreitzer is a Senior Investigator at the Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease and Associate Professor of Physiology and Neurology at UCSF. Dr. Kreitzer’s research focuses on the disordered physiological processes associated with Parkinson’s disease. He is an expert in the emerging field of optogenetics—the application of genetic and optical techniques to remotely control brain cells in animals. Dr. Kreitzer earned his PhD in neurobiology at Harvard University. He conducted postdoctoral research at Stanford University with Dr. Robert Malenka until 2007, when he established his laboratory at Gladstone.

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