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Speaker Bio: Daniel Colón-Ramos, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Neuroscience and Cell Biology; Associate Professor of Neuroscience

Yale School of Medicine

Daniel Colón-Ramos was born and raised in Puerto Rico. He completed his B.A. at Harvard University, his PhD in the lab of Dr. Sally Kornbluth at Duke University and was a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Dr. Kang Shen at Stanford University. The Colón-Ramos lab is interested in how synapses are precisely assembled to build the neuronal architecture that underlies behavior. To address this, they developed tools in the thermotaxis circuit of C. elegans. Their system enables unbiased genetic screens to identify novel pathways that instruct synaptogenesis in vivo, and single-cell manipulation of these pathways to understand how they influence behavior. As mechanisms underlying synapse structure and function are conserved, the research program seeks to enhance our understanding of synaptic cell biology in higher organisms, which may be important for disease.

Colón-Ramos is a co-founder of Ciencia Puerto Rico, a non-profit organization that connects Puerto Rican scientists, who are spread around the globe, to promote scientific research and education in Puerto Rico. He was interviewed by veteran journalist Dan Rather as part of iBiology's Conversation in Science series. Check out that inspiring conversation: https://www.ibiology.org/profiles/encouraging-scientific-exploration/

His other iBiology videos include, Cell Biology of the Neuronal Synapse and Behaviors in C. elegans", Networks and the Nervous System", and "Making Science Relevant: Promote Scientific Research" in both English and Spanish.