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Image of Naledi Saul

Speaker Bio: Naledi Saul

University of California, San Francisco

Naledi Saul is the Director of Career and Professional Development at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). She holds a Master of Public Management degree from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a Bachelor of Arts in History from Spelman College. Prior to UCSF, Naledi was an Assistant Dean of Students and Assistant Director of the Career Center at Amherst College and an Assistant Director of the Career Development Center at Mount Holyoke College. In her role at UCSF, she leads the University's efforts to teach clinicians- and scientists-in-training the information, skills, and confidence required to navigate their careers successfully. The essential thread throughout her work is the focus on strengthening clinicians' and scientists' ability to make decisions and develop strategies informed by their own definitions of professional integrity and personal identity.
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