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Speaker Bio: Rosa Veguilla Rosado, Ph.D.

Science Communicator & Educator


At iBiology, Rosa is responsible for leading the research video production pipelines including identifying seminar topics, overseeing video editing, and writing associated web content and educational materials. She grew up in Caguas, Puerto Rico with the melodic sound of the coquí, a Puerto Rican frog, and the traditional summer vacations at the beach. Rosa earned her BS in Chemistry at University of Puerto Rico – Río Piedras, and her PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University. Before joining iBiology, she was a Preceptor for Life Sciences 1A at Harvard College and an Adjunct Faculty Professor at Harvard Extension School. She enjoys helping others to understand new concepts in the biology world and motivating them to love science. She equally enjoys a night of salsa dancing or a relaxing night reading a book.