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Speaker Bio: Shannon Behrman, Ph.D.

Science Communicator & Educator


Shannon is passionate about helping aspiring or current life scientists, no matter their identity or background, develop the skills it takes to succeed in research and build confidence in their own scientific identities. As part of the iBiology team, Shannon co-produces a series of online courses that teach how to do good science to students and junior scientists. In 2015 and 2016, she organized the iBiology Young Scientist Seminar competition and workshop in collaboration with the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science.

She received a PhD in cell biology at the University of California, San Francisco in 2010. Before joining iBiology in 2014, Shannon was a science communications manager at the National Cancer Institute. In her spare time, she loves exploring the outdoors, especially in places where you won’t find poison oak.

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